• THG·Akashic     【四速】20180625 BBC One-Minute World News

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》










    土耳其昨天举行总统大选,总统艾尔段(Tayyip Erdogan)得票52.5%,共和人民党(CHP)候选人殷斯(Muharrem Ince)得票31%。艾尔段得票过半,赢得连任。



    Italy's far-right Interior Minister Matteo Salvini called Monday on a visit to Tripoli for processing centres to be set up south of Libya's borders as a way to block attempts by migrants to cross the Mediterranean.

    "On Thursday in Brussels, we will jointly support with Libyan authorities the setting up of reception and identification centres south of Libya, on the external border of Libya, to help Libya as well as Italy block migration," he said, referring to an EU summit this week.

    Salvini, addressing a news conference alongside Ahmed Maiteeq, deputy premier of Libya's Government of National Accord (GNA), did not specify which African countries should host the centres.

    Maiteeq said Libya "categorically refuses" to set up such camps on its own territory and that his country would invite European nations bordering the Mediterranean to a summit on migration to be held in Tripoli in September.

    Salvini also held talks on his brief visit with the GNA chief, Fayez al-Sarraj, and the interior minister, Abdessalam Ashour. Italy, on the frontline of Europe's migrant crisis, has turned away rescue vessels with its new populist government demanding greater solidarity from reluctant fellow EU states.

    Salvini, who was the first member of the new government to visit Libya, on Sunday bluntly told foreign charities to stop rescuing migrants off the North African coast. In an interview published Monday with the newspaper La Repubblica, Libya's Maiteeq said he hoped to work with the Italian government on the crisis.

    "The cooperation between Italy and Libya is crucial," he said, adding that the arrival of migrants was also "a major problem" for his country. "Traffickers who bring migrants to Italy are dangerous criminal groups for us, who prevent Libya from taking a step toward a difficult normalisation." "All of Europe must think of structural measures to take in African countries to stop migrants."

    On Sunday, 16 of the EU's 28 leaders held emergency talks in Brussels to find a way forward despite a longstanding deadlock over who should take in migrants and refugees who land in Italy and other European countries.


    据泰媒《民族报》《曼谷邮报》等主流媒体6月25日头版头条报道,自6月23日以来,地方救援队和18人海军海豹突击队,正在泰国清莱继续寻找失踪的12名青少年足球队员和他们25岁的教练,他们被困在清莱(Chiang Rai)美赛区(Mae Sai )的坤喃朗农皇家森林公园(Tham Luang Khun Nam Nang Non Forest Park)隆岩洞穴内。


    最新报道显示,前往参与搜救的泰国海豹突击队队员在25日早上大约凌晨2点45分抵达现场后即进入Tham Luang洞穴,潜水进洞内一处被认为有可能足球员们被淹的弯道搜寻,但无果。该处已距离入口7公里。

    泰国军方非常规战争的负责人Anant Surawan上尉说,洞内有一条狭窄的水道,并且有山洪导致的塌方堵塞。搜救人员遇到的其他困难包括能见度几乎为零的浑水和低温。

    Tham Luang洞穴是一个偏僻的旅游景点,风速达数公里,但并不是死胡同,它连接到附近的其他洞穴,不止一个出口。


    中新网6月25日电 据外媒报道,美国加州莱克县爆发一场大火“波尼”(Pawnee)。24日,大火迅速蔓延,过火面积达7700英亩(约合3116公顷),且烧毁至少12栋房屋。


    加州消防局表示,火势已经“失控”,对春谷市(Spring Valley)民众的威胁“迫在眉睫”。当地时间下午5点,火势沿陡峭崎岖地形延烧,过火面积达3000英亩,并威胁著600栋建筑。



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