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    What Do I Do Now ?A Midlife Caree Change May Be Just The Challenge You Need

    Here's what you learn when you wake up from that dream, hubris is the unpleasant by product of success.If you are really good at your job for long enough time,you begin, to believe that you can be good at any job, and therefore can easily jump from one thing to another ,switching horses in midstream.Examples of this flawed thinking are everywhere , from the harmlessly frivolous ( dancing with stars) to the dangerously serious(the current presidency ),As it turns out, humanity is its own kid of skill, developing it hurts, but falling on your face hurts more.
    hubris /ˈhjuːbrɪs/傲慢
    By product 副作用
    Swich horses in midstream中流换马,中途变卦
    flawed /flɔːd/ 有错误的,有缺点的
    frivolous /ˈfrɪvələs/ 无伤大雅的
    current /ˈkʌrənt/ 目前,流行的
    presidency /ˈprɛzɪdənsɪ/总统
    Falling on your face 一败涂地

    Over the years a number of 20 somethings have come to me for advice which I have dutifully given :Work hard, meet lots of people, say yes to many things.Dont whine, put a smile on your face, remind yourself that studying Foucault For four years in college might not prove to be particular relevant in the working world.Swallow your pride and ask a lot of questions
    dutiful‧ly adv. / 'djuːtɪf ə li 'djuːtəf ə li ; ˋdutɪfəlɪ /忠实的,中肯的
    whine /waɪn/ 诉苦,发牢骚
    Foucault 福柯,法国哲学家,主要探索社会如何界定变态范畴,即掌权的人如何影响对此类事的社会态度
    relevant /ˈrɛlɪvənt/ 相关的,有意义的事
    Swallow your pride =to not show your feelings and to not allow them to affect the way that you behave丢下自尊,不露出失望

    What I should be telling the young and ambition is this:being really good at one thing is fantastic until it isn't. The day may come ---in my experience ,will come ---- when you know you want to do, want to be something else.
    fantastic /fænˈtæstɪk/ 极好的



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