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    What Do I Do Now ?A Midlife Cateer Change May Be Just The Challenge You Need

    The other night, I had dinner with my friend kim, who in midlife is endeavoring to change her career.She has spent decades as a successful photographer,But she knows it's time to do something different.What however is she qualified to do ,besides photograpy“I am good at parties” ,she told me with a shrug,“and parallel parking ,”We refilled our wineglasses as laugh really hard as we dreamed up the various carees in which that particular combination might be useful .
    The other night 前几天晚上
    endeavor /ɪnˈdɛvə/ 努力,竭尽全力
    qualified /ˈkwɒlɪˌfaɪd/ 符合资格
    shrug /ʃrʌɡ/ 耸肩
    refill /,ri:'fil/在装满
    Dream up sth 凭空想象

    Here's a humbling exercise, ask yourself what you are good at, aside from the skills you use at work, after my conversation with Kim, I put this question to a handful of friends and got ranging from “finding restaurant for people” to “ spotting terrific old chairs ,”The more I think about my own answer to this question, the more confused I seem to get ,Which apparently does not happen to everyone but more about politics in a minute.
    humble /ˈhʌmbəl/谦逊的
    Aside from 此外
    response /rɪˈspɒns/反应
    terrific /təˈrɪfɪk/极好

    A year ago this month I left a job, and a carrier, that brought me great satisfaction for a more than two decades.Can serendipity b a strategy?It's certainly worked for me. I happened to find a field in which my skills and then the requirement of the job were a Venn diagram with near total overlap .Like most of my friends, I spend my 20s and 30s marching determinedly along my given path, working hard, with purpose, and by the time I reached my 40s, I was able to enjoy the fruits of my labor, isn't that the way the American dream goes?
    serendipity /ˌsɛrənˈdɪpɪtɪ/ 珍贵的
    field /fiːld/草地,领域
    requirement /rɪˈkwaɪəmənt/ 必备条件
    Venn diagram 韦恩图
    overlap /,əuvə'læp; 'əuvəlæp/重叠部分
    reach /riːtʃ/ 到达



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