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    Confidence In Us Innovation Falling ;China
    Leads Way On Ai (对美国创新的信心下降,中国在人工智能领域领先)---《英语文摘》

    A number of months ago,I wrote about the direction of American innovation and discovered something incredible;China has eclipsed, the Us in terms of creation of intellectual property.

    incredible /ɪnˈkrɛdəbəl/不能相信的,难以置信的
    intellectual /ˌɪntɪˈlɛktʃʊəl/ 智力的
    eclipse /ɪˈklɪps/ 使黯然失色

    This revelationmay not sound earth shattering but when you consider what is happening in more detail you begin to discover some truly significant trends

    revelation /ˌrɛvəˈleɪʃən/ 被暴露的真相
    Earth shattering 影响深远的,震撼世界的
    significant /sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/重大的,显著的
    In recent years,a tilt in china's favour has become a landslide when it comes to innovation.In 2010,for example Chinese companies has reginstered d in the region of 380,000 patents compared to 470,000 in the US. Five years later China has completely overtaken the US, registering in excess of 1000,000 patents compared to 600,000 in the US The gap, between the two is now accelerating at an historically unprecedented pace .In fact, last year alone China increases its number of registered parents by 45% ,While the number of registered patents in the US actually declined .

    registered /ˈrɛdʒɪstə挂号的,注册的
    region /ˈriːdʒən/地区,范围
    patent /ˈpætənt/专利
    In excess of 超过
    Compared with 与什么相比较
    accelerate /ækˈsɛləˌreɪt/ 加速
    unprecedented /ʌnˈprɛsɪˌdɛntɪd/空前的
    It doesn't look like the US will be catching up soon either
    The top 1000 Us companies are investing less in research and development than at any point over the last 50 years.US federal spending on R&D,As percentage of GDP ,It's also at is lowest level in 40 years ,And to that presistent decline in the number of startups being created in the US economy, and it's surprising that some are saying America face a burgeoning innovation problem.
    invest /ɪnˈvɛst/ 投资法
    federal /ˈfɛdərəl/联邦政府
    percentage /pəˈsɛntɪdʒ/ 百分比的
    persistent /pəˈsɪstənt/ 持续存在的
    startup /ˈstɑːtʌp/ 启动所需的资金
    burgeon /'bə:dʒən/迅速成长,发展
    Innovation /ˌɪnəˈveɪʃən/ 新事物,新方法

    近年来 在创新方面, 有利于中国的倾向已势不可挡,例如,2010年,中国企业注册了约38万项专利,而美国是47万,像数年后,中国彻底超越了美国,注册专利超过100万项,而美国是60万项,如今两国之间的这个差距,在以史无前例的速度加大加快扩大。事实上,仅去年一年,中国注册专利专利的总数量增加了45%,而美国专利注册总数竟然有所下降。


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