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    The Future Of Retail Is Stores That Aren 't Stores(零售业的未来 商店不再只是商店)

    This is exactly the thinking that more retailers should be experimenting with as they adjust to buy anywhere reality of the internet, according to Oliver Chen ,The head of the retail and luxury equality, research , at the investment research firm, Cowen and company.Two question he says retailers are asking are, what are modern consumers enjoying doing, and then how can retail solve into that experience?And That experience,” he says, usually means“ eating and drinking, and working out, and concerns about health and wellness ”.
    experiment 乐于尝试
    luxury /ˈlʌkʃərɪ, ˈlʌgʒə-/奢侈品
    Cowen amd company 是一家投资银行
    Work out 锻炼身体
    A juice bar or a pizzeria might give a retailer an edge at a time when competitors are scrambling to adapt .But, what happens in the longer run, once “experiences.”Is prioritized more widely?That's downtown, become just astring of corporate “town squares” and wine tastings?Chen says that retail experience that emphasizes human interaction and pleasant environs could just become a new normal, must like repidly shifting consumer expectations have pushed online retailers to make free, two day shipping standard, Still he says, “There are things we may have to do where a robot can't really do it to us.”--There will probably be brick-and-mortar business ,like tailors and hairdresser ,that remain impervious to these trends .
    edge /ɛdʒ/ 优势
    scramble /ˈskræmbəl/攀登,争夺
    adapt /əˈdæpt/ 适应
    prioritize /praɪˈɒrɪˌtaɪz/ 处于优先顺序
    widely /'waidli/广泛的
    Downtown 城镇中心
    corporate /ˈkɔːpərɪt, -prɪt/ 公司的
    A string of 一系列
    emphasize /ˈɛmfəˌsaɪz/ 强调
    interaction /,intər'ækʃən/相互作用
    environs /ɪnˈvaɪrənz/ 周边地区
    expectation /ˌɛkspɛkˈteɪʃən/ 期待值
    shipping /ˈʃɪpɪŋ/  运费
    standard /ˈstændəd/ 标准,权威的
    Brick and mortar 传统公司实体
    Tailors 裁缝店
    Hairdresser 美发店
    impervious /ɪmˈpɜːvɪəs/ 不受影响


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