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    The Future Of Retail Is Stores That Aren't Stores (零售业的未来,商店不再是商店)上


    We actually don't call them 'stores ' anymore , we call them 'town squares '.That was an executive at Apple speaking about the company's largest stores, during its afternoon long product relese event on Tuesday .In these 'town squares', aisles will be avenues , and trees will provide customers from overhead fluorescents.The company dreams its flagship store will become gathering place, complete with classes on coding, music and photography.

    executive /ɪɡˈzɛkjʊtɪv/ 管理人员
    aisle /aɪl/ 小道,过道
    avenue /ˈævɪˌnjuː/ 林荫道
    fluorescent /ˌflʊəˈrɛsənt/荧光
    flagship /ˈflæɡˌʃɪp/最佳服务,王牌
    Complete with 包括,含有
    code /kəʊd/ 编码,代码
    Earlier ,this week provided another such glimpse of the strange future retail, in which going to a store is just as much a bout buying things as it is about being in a nice place——'expreience'- if you will.Nordsrom, a day before Apple's, event, announced that it will be opening a Nordstrom local concept store next month in west Hollywood ,in Los Angles ,The store will not stock clothes,or much of anything else, But it will be spa , service ,tailor ,personal stylists , and a bar that serves beer ,wine , coffee and juice.
    glimpse /ɡlɪmps/ 短暂感受
    Nordstrom 诺德斯特龙,是美国一家高档的连锁百货店,包括服装,饰品,珠宝,化妆品

    stock /stɒk/ 股票,储存
    tailor /ˈteɪlə/ 定制的,定做的
    wine /waɪn/ 红酒

    The fact seems to be a motivation behind a few other companies initiative, announced in recent years.Starbucks Watching with the distaste, the rise of hogh end competitors like, Stumptown and Blue Bottle, a couple years ago opened a 15000 Square foot 'roastery ' in seattle,“ we are going to take the customer on journey immersing them in an interactive environment Where they'll be introduced to handcrafted ,small batch coffees within feet of where they 're being roasted ,”Howard Schultz ,Starbucks 's CEO ,told the New york times ,(The company plans to open more roasteries in other cities staring later this year.)

    initiative /ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪv, -ʃətɪv/首创精神,主动权
    distaste /dɪsˈteɪst/ 反感
    High -end 高价的,优质的
    Stumptown 树墩城成立于1999年,是美国标志性的精品独立咖啡品牌,树墩咖啡的总部位于波特兰,拥有10万平方英尺的店铺面积,顾客可以品尝来自世界各地所有种类的高品质咖啡。
    Blue Bottle 蓝瓶咖啡,它源自于1683第一间咖啡店,创始人想做一家独立特立独行的咖啡。
    Roastery 烘培房
    immerse /ɪˈmɜːs/陷入,沉浸在
    handcraft /ˈhændˌkrɑːft/ 手工制作的




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