• 安娜贝拉hbw     《美国人民史》——跟着甜茶学历史

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    《美国人民史》(A People's History of the United States)其实是一部非主流的美国史著作,揭示了揭示了美国历史中一些鲜为人知的史料,批判了美国的阶级压迫和剥削。

    《美国人民史》的作者Howard Zinn是美国历史学家、剧作家、社会活动家和波斯顿大学的政治学教授。Zinn一生中写了超过二十本著作,其中最有名的就是《美国人民史》

    Zinn seeks to present an alternate interpretation of the history of the United States, including vivid descriptions of events previously ignored by other historians. According to the author, American history is to a large extent the exploitation of the majority by an elite minority. 'A people's history of the United States' has been assigned as reading in many high schools and colleges across the United States, since it presents us with a complete comprehensive version of the history of the United States.

    'A History of the United States' provides us with a full picture of all the secret bombings, massacres, and cover-ups associated with the United States, not as a vilification of the US, rather a reminder of the past faults and miscalculations of previous American leaders and founders of the US.

    However, despite its significant influence, 'A People's History of the United States' has been heavily criticized by historians from across the political spectrum. Critics assert apparent omissions of important historical episodes, uncritical reliance on biased sources, and systematic failures to examine opposing views. This, in my opinion, is another cover-up for some of the major historical events that went wrong. By denying some of the things in 'A People's History', modern historian attempt to convince people that most of the major changes America brought to the world today are improvements, much like their predecessors.

    作为一个学校历史考试不及格的人,要不是甜茶在 Lady Bird 里在看,我肯定不会自愿看历史书。(特别是美国历史,跟我又没啥关系...)看了以后才发现,这本书并不像传统的历史教材一样死板,'A People's History' 里引用了许多历史事件中涉及到的人物叙述现场的文段,读起来不像在看历史,而是像在看第一人称的小说,可以体会到人物的形象以及在场时的心情。于是我立刻就爱上了这本书,希望更多人也能喜欢。

    1970-01-01   13赞       1踩       2646浏览 评论(16)
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