• 胖胖亲子英语     胖胖双语故事49. 小猪的雨伞

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    【Piglet's Umbrella】

    Piglet went for a walk with his big umbrella.

    Piglet met rabbit.
    "It's not raining," said rabbit, "why do you have an umbrella?"
    Piglet opened his umbrella.
    "It gives the shade from the sun." he said to rabbit.

    Piglet met duck on the pond.
    Duck said, "Hello piglet. Why do you have an umbrella when it is not raining?"
    Piglet turned the umbrella over, and put it on the pond.
    "It makes a good boat." he said to duck.

    "It's not raining," said squirrel, "why did you have that umbrella?"
    Piglets hit the apple tree with his umbrella, down fell some apples.
    "An umbrella is good for getting up apples." said piglet to squirrel.

    After a big meal of apples, piglet fell asleep.
    When he woke up, it was raining,
    Piglet said to his friends, "Come under my umbrella!"
    "An umbrella has many uses. "



    1970-01-01   1赞       0踩       480浏览 评论(1)


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