• 魔友2777034     HOW TO CLOCK IN 怎么打卡

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    1️⃣ Listen to the note, many times, till you fully understand each track;
    1️⃣ 多次聆听讲解,直到你完全听懂每条语音;

    2️⃣ Repeat after the note, many times, try to sound exactly like the teacher in PRONOUNCIATION, INTONATION and WORD CONNECTION;
    2️⃣ 反复多次模仿老师的发音,尽量在语音、语调、连读方面都和老师一模一样;

    3️⃣ Send ONE voice message in the group of your reading the content in ONE GO;
    3️⃣ 发送一条你一口气读完的语音到群里;

    4️⃣ Send the clock-in message in the group, changing the numbers to your own:

    ( just simply add 1 to the number of your previous reader, careful not to make a mistake, because that would cause massive confusion in a large group like this, and you don't want that on your conscience)

    ( If you worry that you might forget which day it is, try writing the day in the group nickname like this: Seamus Day 1 );

    4️⃣ 发送打卡信息到群里并修改你的打卡数字:


    (如果你担心自己会忘记是第几天打卡,可在群昵称里备注天数,比如: Seamus Day 1 );

    5️⃣ You may read again later in the group, but there is no need to resend the clock-in message. REALLY, NO NEED;

    T H E 3️⃣ W O O - B E E S

    三 个 务 必

    🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝

    1️⃣ 请务必反复听直到听清讲解每一条语音
    1️⃣ Please be sure to listen to the note, many times, till you fully understand each track.

    2️⃣ 请务必反复模仿直到8️⃣成把握再发语音
    2️⃣ Please be sure to send the voice message after repeating the note, many times, till you have 80% confidence.

    3️⃣ 请务必发完语音即刻备注第❔位第❔天
    3️⃣ Please be sure to change the numbers to your own immediately after sending the voice message in the group.


    1970-01-01   29赞       0踩       2101浏览 评论(7)
男 资深配角lv33


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