• Scofield2015     外媒总结高大上有范儿的50个标准

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    from 沪江英语


    TOP 50 SIGNS OF CLASS(证明你有范儿)举止优雅的50个标志

    1. Says please and thank you会说“请”和“谢谢”

    2. Is well-read博览群书

    3. Has good table manners有良好的餐桌礼仪

    4. Doesn't swear不诅咒(骂人)

    5. Knows what cutlery to use(用不同的餐点的时候),知道该用什么餐具

    6. Is discreet言行谨慎

    7. Doesn't start eating a meal until everyone else at the table has their food智斗餐桌上的每个人的餐点都到位后,才会开始用餐。

    8. Holds doors open(会为别人)开门

    9. Never drinks directly from the bottle从不对瓶吹

    10. Doesn't use text speak不使用手机短信用语

    11. Avoids emotional Facebook or Twitter rants不会在脸书或推特上发表情绪化的激昂言辞

    12. Gives up a seat on public transport for someone else在公共交通上为他人让座

    13. Able to speak more than one language能说不止一种语言

    14. Has great posture仪态优雅

    15. Doesn't gossip不八卦

    16. Brings gifts for hosts when attending events参加社交活动的时候,会为主人带礼物

    17. Shops in Waitrose去威特罗斯超市购物

    18. Doesn't get drunk不会醉酒

    19. Knows correct way to pour a bottle of wine知道倒红酒的正确方法

    20. Places a napkin on lap when eating用餐的时候,在膝盖上放一张餐巾纸

    21. Doesn't discuss money or how much things cost不会讨论钱,或某样东西花了多少钱

    22. Knows more than two types of wine了解两种以上的葡萄酒

    23. Knows correct way to hold a wine glass知道握住(葡萄)酒杯的正确方法

    24. Doesn't wear football strips as casual wear不会把足球制服作为便装

    25. Is a good listener善于倾听

    26. Doesn't watch reality TV不看电视真人秀节目

    27. Knows Mozart from Beethoven能够辨别莫扎特和贝多芬(的作品)

    28. Owns a timeless pair of shoes有一双不受时间影响的鞋子

    29. Is up to date with current affairs了解最新时事新闻

    30. Has good culinary knowledge了解烹饪知识

    31. Has National Trust membership是保护名胜古迹组织的成员之一

    32. Only gives compliments when they actually mean it只给予真心的赞美

    33. Attends the Chelsea Flower Show参加切尔西花卉展

    34. Prefers champagne to prosecco比起普罗塞克葡萄酒,更喜欢香槟

    35. Pays the bill(主动?)买单

    36. Isn't easily [w=fluster]flustered不易紧张

    37. Doesn't get into arguments不会陷入争吵

    38. Never borrows money from friends永远不会跟朋友借钱

    39. Knows more poetry than 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud' from William Wordsworth's 'Daffodils'除了威廉·华兹华斯(英国诗人)《水仙花》中的“我孤独地漫游,像一朵云”以外,还知道许多其他的诗作

    40. Never forgets a meeting从来都不会忘记开会

    41. Doesn't fill the wine glass to the top不会把(葡萄)酒杯倒满

    42. Uses the word 'supper'使用“晚餐”(supper)这个词(注:dinner这个词比supper要随意,且supper指比较正式的晚餐)

    43. Rarely eats takeaways很少吃外卖

    44. Listens to Today on Radio 4收听4号电台的“今日”节目

    45. Avoids drinking instant coffee不喝速溶咖啡

    46. Is a generous tipper小费给的很慷慨

    47. Knows how to flirt properly知道如何恰当的调情

    48. Never caught running for the bus or train从来都不会匆忙赶公车或火车

    49. Arrives fashionably late to a party (but not too late)参加聚会的时候会赶时髦地晚到一会儿(但也不会到的太晚)

    50. Owns a pedigree dog有一只纯种狗


    SIGNS OF A CLASSY MAN一个举止优雅(有范儿)的男士的标志

    1. Respectful of women尊重女性

    2. Holds the door open for others为他人开门

    3. Takes pride in his appearance以自己的外貌而骄傲

    4. Stands up when women join the dining table当女士一起用餐的时候站起来(欢迎)

    5. Takes his hat off when indoors and in the company of women在室内并有女士陪同,脱帽向其致敬

    6. Has a firm handshake握手的时候十分坚定

    7. Knows when to admit he's wrong知道在什么时候承认自己出错了

    8. Owns a tailored suit拥有一身定制西装

    9. Always smells nice闻起来一直都香香的

    10. Wears crisp white shirts喜欢穿干净利落的白衬衫


    SIGNS OF A CLASSY WOMAN一个举止优雅(有范儿)的女士的标志

    1. Wears subtle make-up化精细的妆容

    2. Ages gracefully优雅地变成熟

    3. Confidence自信

    4. Never drinks directly from the bottle从不直接对瓶吹

    5. Accepts compliments graciously优雅地接受称赞

    6. Only wears heels she can walk in只有在能穿的时候才穿高跟鞋

    7. Always smells nice闻起来一直都香香的

    8. Doesn't downplay her intelligence不轻视自己才智

    9. Reveals cleavage sparingly穿着端庄,不袒胸露乳

    10. Wears dresses tight enough to show she's a woman, but loose enough to prove she's a lady穿十分修身的连衣裙,来表明自己是一位女子(展现自己的女性美);当然,也会穿得十分宽松,来表明自己是一位女士

    1970-01-01   17赞       1踩       740浏览 评论(4)
男 魔仙lv73


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