• hyena     Zarathustra's Prologue 哲学思考

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    When Zarathustra was thirty years old he left his home and the lake of his home and went into the mountains. Here he enjoyed his spirit and his solitude, and for ten years did not tire of it. But at last a change came over his heart, and one morning he rose with the dawn, stepped before the sun, and spoke to it thus:
    "You great star, what would your happiness be had you not those for whom you shine?"
    "For ten years you have climbed to my cave: you would have tired of your light and of the journey had it not been for me and my eagle and my serpent."


    "But we waited for you every morning, took your overflow from you, and blessed you for it."
    "Behold, I am weary of my wisdom, like a bee that has gathered too much honey; I need hands outstretched to receive it."
    "I would give away and distribute, until the wise among men find joy once again in their folly, and the poor in their riches."


    "For that I must descend to the depths, as you do in the evening when you go behind the sea and still bring light to the underworld, you overrich star."


    "Like you, I must go under--go down, as is said by man, to whom I want to descend."
    "So bless me then, you quiet eye that can look even upon an all-too-great happiness without envy."


    "Bless the cup that wants to overflow, that the water may flow from it golden and carry everywhere the reflection of your delight."
    "Behold, this cup wants to become empty again, and Zarathustra wants to become man again."
    Thus Zarathustra began to go under.

    1970-01-01   3赞       1踩       249浏览 评论(1)
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