• Las&El     【洗脑小魔曲】☞【Chainsaw】

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    这首歌的歌手是Nick Jonas,1992年9月16日出生于美国得克萨斯州达拉斯,美国男歌手、演员。

    2004年,推出首张个人音乐专辑《Nicholas Jonas》,从而正式出道。2005年,与两个哥哥凯文·乔纳斯、乔·乔纳斯签约哥伦比亚唱片,并组成"乔纳斯兄弟" 。2006年,随乔纳斯兄弟推出组合首张音乐专辑《It's About Time》 ;同年,乔纳斯兄弟另签了好莱坞唱片公司(Hollywood Records)。2008年,其所在组合乔纳斯兄弟获得"全美青少年选择奖"(Teen Choice)最佳音乐突破组合奖 。2009年,其所在组合乔纳斯兄弟获得格莱美奖(Grammy Awards)的首次提名 。2013年,乔纳斯兄弟宣布解散,尼克·乔纳斯正式单飞

    I'll take a chainsaw to the sofa
    Where I held your body close for so long
    So long

    Walk in the house
    Lights are off
    In the closet by the door there's your coat
    I wasn't thinking of you before.
    Too many rooms in this house,
    So I keep going out
    What the hell is that about?
    I gotta find a way to be okay.

    Maybe I'll just take a chainsaw to the sofa
    Where I held your body close to so long
    So long
    I'm gonna break all the china
    Cause it's just one more reminder you're gone
    You're gone

    When I get home,
    TV on
    Drink in my glass,
    Better make it strong
    Some nights wanna fill this space
    The tight dress and a pretty face
    Keep finding things that you left on purpose
    Did you plan it? Your timing's perfect
    Gotta find a way to be okay

    Maybe I'll just take a chainsaw to the sofa
    Where I held your body close to so long
    So long
    I'm gonna break all the china
    Cause it's just one more reminder you're gone
    You're gone

    We were building brick by brick
    Now it's just a quicksand home, yeah
    So I'll take a chainsaw to the sofa
    Where I held your body close to so long
    So long

    Oohhh, I could put a sign in the lawn
    But it'd mean that I would wanna let you go
    And I don't wanna let you go
    I could put a sign in the lawn
    But it'd mean that I would wanna let you go
    And I don't wanna let you go

    I'll take a chainsaw to the sofa
    Where I held your body close for so long
    So long

    I'll burn everything that binds us
    Take a lighter to the mattress and run

    We were building brick by brick
    Now it's just a quicksand home, yeah

    So I'll take a chainsaw to the sofa
    Where I held your body close for so long
    So long
    So long...


    1970-01-01   54赞       1踩       7446浏览 评论(13)


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