• SXLittle     4.19晨读

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    Why is my accent so weird? 为什么我的口音很奇怪?
    Chinese English learners can be seriously hampered by a negative outlook. The Chinese language has many very distinct sounds from English, so maybe sometimes we sound a bit strange. but your accent is not weird, it is nonstandard to the American ear, and maybe to yours. 我们中国人学英语会在这个问题上纠结很久。因为汉语有很多音跟英语的音有较大差别所以我们的中式发音有时比较“不像英语”。不过不能说是奇怪,只能说美国人听了觉得陌生,甚至你对自己的发音也很陌生。


    1970-01-01   47赞       12踩       4024浏览 评论(217)
女 资深龙套lv15


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