• EE英语课堂❤️     New York: Couple Arrested For Eating Homeless Man In Central Park

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    喜马拉雅&新浪微博: 英美混音的Estefania

    A New York couple, high on methamphetamines(脱氧***), was arrested on Sunday after police received several 911 calls that they were harassing (使困扰;使烦恼;反复袭击)people in Central Park. Marshall Hetchler, 32, and his 23-year-old girlfriend Magdalyn Herbert were reportedly acting “odd” (古怪的)as they headed towards the park screaming, jumping up and down, and spinning(旋转) in circles.

    Witnesses say the strange couple headed toward the edge(边缘)of the park but quickly “disappeared.” Police searched the area and after 30 minutes, they found the couple crouched down(蹲距) in the bushes over a homeless man. “We found a couple that met the description of the 911 calls we had been receiving,” said Lieut. Mark Willet. “We identified ourselves and asked them to turn around(和turn round一样都是180度的转身哦). When they did, their faces were covered with blood and the homeless man was crying for help. They had already eaten off every single one of his fingers and began chewing off(咀嚼 ,口香糖chewing gum) his toes when we arrived on the scene(在现场用的是介词on).”

    Due to the severity(严重;严格;猛烈)of the situation, Willet said they had no choice but to taze the couple. “We didn’t know if they were armed(武装的), or if they would attack us,” said Willet. “We tasered ( taser泰瑟枪(一种武器))both of them, but they still were able to lunge(猛冲) towards us. So two other officers use their tasers as well, which finally subdued(征服)them.”

    The homeless man was rushed(冲进)to a nearby hospital (in the hospital表示在医院; in hospital 表示住院)where he is listed in stable condition after losing all 10 fingers and four toes. Hetchler and Herbert are being held on no bond under mental evaluation(心理评价或者预测). According to the police report, the couple claimed they were hungry and hadn’t eaten for five days. They say they had “no choice but to eat the homeless man since he had nothing going for (go for除了表示试图获得外还有喜欢和支持的意思)him anyway.” Both tested positive (在医学里通常译为阳性的)for high levels of methamphetamines.

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