• C、mo竹     玩得开心,尝试做不完美的自己

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    I paint my emotions, it's my feeling. ——Cyril Rolando



    现今31岁的Cyril Rolando,因为先前在社交网站上放了几张业余时间创作的作品,一时间爆红网络。红的连他本人都感到莫名其妙。“Use the computer to paint just my hobby, I work as a counselor, I have been in the business for nine years. ”但就是这句话,引起了人们对他作品的极大争议,人们不相信一个把绘画当作业余爱好的心理咨询师,竟能画出如此唯美治愈的作品!种种质疑,甚至不理智的人身攻击,严重影响到了他的工作和生活。万般无奈下,他第一次接受一家杂志的采访讲出了曾令自己悲伤抑郁的人生经历。


    从我记事那天起,父母间的争吵似乎没终止过,我哭着求他们停下来,但他们似乎无动于衷。当时年幼的他已经出现抑郁症状,幸而老师及时发现,把他带到儿童心理专家那里。“ I still remember, that Aunt lying in my ear gently told me:'Cyril, I know you have too much pain and grievances, if you do not want to speak out, write it out or draw out to tell me. '”从那以后,长久以来憋在心里的情绪似乎一下子在画中找到了出口,那年他才七岁。


    十八岁考入大学主修心理学,同时也第一次接触电脑绘图。“At the beginning, I just took it as a hobby, a game.”他想表达自己时就画,不想继续时就停笔,空想,发呆,做什么都可以。“It seems to me that everyone is a child, but after adulthood began to pursue more material life, with his heart of the child is broken.”而Cyril自己也承认,有时他也逃不出这样的社会逻辑, “Only in the process of painting, I can find lost myself.”


    有人看到他的绘画的天赋,建议他将绘画作为主业,被他婉言拒绝。“ I won't join in the artistic world, I was a counselor, I really like my job, if only focus on art, it will not be a true and complete my.”

    在最后被问到,如果作为一名艺术家,会给其他人什么建议时,他只说:“Have fun and try to do a not perfect people.”但他又像孩子似的补充道:“I don't think I'm an artist,I'm just a simple Photoshop users,I just want to let my painting,try to keep the original.”

    最后这里,选自Cyril Rolando本人的一段话

    I " try " to avoid to go into cliches (emo-fantasy-surreal labels), that's why I often use animals, attempting to be original to speak about ordinary theme. I think humans are proud, mistrustful and self-centered (and I am human). I want to hand over to the animals, to critic or play human roles. They don't carry hidden symbols ; this is just a return to innocence, a naive vision of the world. This is a return to childhood, where animals can speak, dreams become reality and imagination rules the world.


    分享内容图片就是由Cyril Rolando创作的作品,甩粗来分享给大家

    1970-01-01   6赞       0踩       345浏览 评论(3)
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