• 黑巧克力choko     What a lesson! 今天的英语考试告诉我什么

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    To be honest, I don't really run into trouble when it comes to English test. Not like Math, physics and blah, I kinda think that no matter what I come across during the exam, I can always find a way out.

    HOWEVER, things change.

    Just as I relax myself too much during this crazy period of time right after the CEE, I finally get to know the meaning of "practice makes perfect" and "language is something you need to learn everyday" those used-to-be bullshits that everybody knows.

    I find myself short of reading and writing abilities. Not to mention my poor vocabulary as always. You know, you don't have to use fabulous words to show your fancy English. You just have to pronounce well and be confident enough to keep talking, and people will think you speak fluent English just as natives.

    Therefore, I missed a lot of hard work in learning English these days, well, more exactly, these months. So I am telling myself to keep reading English materials everyday and listening to some broadcast news so that I can pick up. Because next term we'll be learning common law system which involves tons of English stuff.

    Dear friends, don't stop learning English, even for one single day. Been there, done that. Trust me, I telling whole-heartedly.😊😊


    1970-01-01   31赞       1踩       1211浏览 评论(40)


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