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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Manchester stays busy

    词数346 建议阅读时间5分钟

    ITS symbol is a bee , showing that the city is a hive of activity (一派繁忙的景象).

    Once an industrial giant in North West England , Manchester is now a"dynamo"(生机勃勃的地方)of culture and arts” , according to Lonely Planet .

    This is why last month , the world's largest travel guide brand chose the city as one of the top 10 must-visit cities of 2016 .

    The city 's soccer - led by top Premier League sides Manchester City and Manchester United - has become part of its heritage. This has happened partly because soccer used to be a " working man's game , played by workers in their spare time - and Manchester used to be a working-class, industrial city.

    Nowadays , however, the highest level of soccer isn 't exactly about : working men . How many factory workers earn the £ 300,000 ( 2.9 milion yuan ) a week that Wayne Rooney is paid at Manchester United ? How many working-class fans can afford £ 60 match tickets ? The fans in the stadiums are now more likely to be bankers and lawyers.

    But traditions are hard to change . The"ordinary man"side of soccer is still alive. You're probably never heard of Bury,Rochdale or Oldham Athletic, all teams in the lower leagues from nearby places. Their players do not earn millions;in fact,most of them have other jobs because they earn so little. But their supporters are as enthusiastic as any City or United fan.

    Although soccer is an important part of Manchester , it is not all the city offers .Manchester was the place where the Germans Karl Marx and Friedrich , Engels began to write the Communist Manifesto(《共产党宣言》)at Chetham Library , the oldest public library in the English-speaking world .

    There is also a great media tradition , as leading would newspaper The Guardian started there and a lot of the BBC 's broadcast operations have now moved from London to MediaCityUk in Manchester.

    The city has also long had a reputation for having a great music sense. Popular bands such as Oasis started out in Manchester , and the city's music culture was so famous in the late 1980s and 1990s that it had its own name"Manchester".

    1970-01-01   7赞       0踩       816浏览 评论(7)
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