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    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    😣别让你的懒惰偷走你的语感! 你已经多少天没读全英文文章了?懒了吧?抽懒筋小练到了📣📣
    词数269 建议阅读时间4分钟
    DO you speak American or British Enghsh?

    This may be a question you often hear .But in fact , there are more than just two types of the language .For example , Canada has Its own English . The country has its on dictionaries . The Canadian Press has its own style guide , too . And th Editors ' Association of Canada just released a third edition of Editing Canadian Enghsh earlier this year .

    The country 's history explains how its English came into being ." Canada has the languages of its aboriginal ( 土著的 ) peoeoples. Its closeness to the US and a strong history of French culture as a result of a long occupation by France also have Influences , " wrote Army Thibodeau in The Guardian."Though Canada is still part of the Commonwealth , Canadian English is showing its youth as a nation ."

    Author Katherine Barber has collected many Canadianisms in her book Only in Canada , You Say . Despite using some British spellings like " colour” , Canadians also use the same words as Americans in different ways. For instance,in Canada, if you write a test, you're the one being tested, while in the US you're the test maker. Also, Canadians use different words form Americans for the same things:"bachelor apartment"for sneaker or running shoe and"two-four"for a case of 24bottles or cans of beer.

    "These Canadianis show the differences between Canadian and American culture ," the BBC noted. "Though English-speaking Canadians are still loyal to the queen , they aren't truly interested in sounding British ; they're just interested in using the British connection to show their independence from their neighbors in the south ."

    1970-01-01   5赞       1踩       388浏览 评论(19)
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