• EE英语课堂❤️     How to get rid of old things and change your life in the process.

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    It’s time to get rid of all the things you don’t need in your life. Start with sorting out your home.

    Keeping a hold of lots of old stuff is often a good indication that you’re strongly preoccupied with the past, and that you’re moving too slow along the path to a better future. Our homes are an extension of ourselves; they reflect our personalities. If you’re looking for change, the first thing you need to do is sort out your home. When it’s clean and tidy, you’ll find your thoughts will be more in order, and things you’ll be able to sort things out more easily.

    General points

    To free yourself of all the junk in your home, you have to be both decisive and ruthless. You also need to really understand why you’re doing this. Bear in mind the following:

    Before you buy something new, get rid of something old.
    If you haven’t used something for around two years, then the chances are you’ll never need it again.
    Ask yourself: are you keeping a hold of something because it makes you happy, or because you just don’t like the idea of throwing it out? If it’s the latter, then it’s time to throw it in the trash.
    You’re memories are not contained in physical objects. Getting rid of that old vase which belonged to your grandmother does not mean you’ll lose all the wonderful memories you have of her.
    If you can’t decided whether it’s worth getting rid of something, stow it away somewhere for a month. If you don’t use it during that time, it can go in the trash.
    You don’t have to take everything to the rubbish dump, however. You’ve probably got somethings which you can give away which are brand new. Distribute them among people you know, give them to charity, or organise a garage sale.
    Your wardrobe

    Start with clothes and shoes. When you keep a hold of old things, you’re adhering to a mentality which says that there will come a time when you need to use those threadbare trousers again. This is the mentality of a spendthrift; why can’t you buy new things which you’ll be happier wearing when the time comes? Why force yourself to wear old stuff you don’t even like anymore?

    Anything that’s old, shabby, or has stains or holes can go in the trash.
    The fewer old things you keep a hold of, the quicker you’ll fill your wardrobe with new things.
    It’s very important to have things which you genuinely love, and this is especially true when it comes to clothes. When you wear things in which you feel totally comfortable, you’ll be more confident, and others will notice.
    Anything which is uncomfortable to wear (that dress which is one size too small, for example, or those heels which are just too high) should be thrown out, along with anything that has a bad memory attached to it.
    Overall, it’s worth keeping your wardrobe in good order. Arrange your clothes according to colour or style, and leave anything that needs to be washed draped over a chair rather than hang it back up.
    Rooms and furniture

    It’s not surprising that something always seems to be preventing you from realising your dreams. Look around you at all the old junk lying around in your house which you haven’t used in years; you’ve probably got so much that it’s distracting you from thinking clearly and innovatively. But when your home contains things which you actually love or use often, you find that you have more energy and can think more clearly. Heaps of stuff with bad associations or which you never use have a negative influence on you.

    The trash can is your friend. Make it happy by getting rid of broken, old or dirty things you don’t need.
    Broken electrical devices should be either fixed, or thrown out.
    Get rid of books you bought years ago, or which you’ve never read. Your book shelves should reflect the person you are today, and who you want to be tomorrow.
    There’s always the temptation to leave aside those old things which could be repaired or fixed. But all you’re really doing is setting aside achieving a greater amount of satisfaction and harmony in your home.
    Replace a bed or sofa once every ten years, and pillows and cushions every three.
    Always keep your home impeccably clean. Your home should be as pleasant to live in as you can possibly make it. This is especially true for the little details, right down to the table cloth and the lamp shades.
    When considering what new things to buy, think about what would make you a little bit happier if it was in your home.
    Only buy things which strikes you as ideal for your home, rather than stuff which you only vaguely like.
    Always be on the look out for what needs changing at home; move a chair back into its correct position after someone’s used it; wipe the dust off surfaces regularly.
    If you keep a hold of everything, all that stuff will slowly accumulate until it gets to the point where your brain can’t function and your imagination can’t spread its wings. Don’t do it! If you long for positive changes in your life, make some space for them.
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