• 消弭     ??gotta

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Gotta Have You
    The Weepies
    Gray, quiet and tired and mean
    Picking at a worried seam
    I try to make you mad at me over the phone
    Red eyes and fire and signs
    I'm taken by a nursery rhyme
    I want to make a ray of sunshine and never leave home
    No amount of coffee
    No amount of crying
    No amount of whiskey
    No amount of wine
    No.., nothing else will do
    I've gotta have you
    I've gotta have you


    1970-01-01   1赞       0踩       186浏览 评论(5)


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