• 近在远方.     英文简阅读?英国各地人是如何吃饼干的?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    WHEN it comes to tea breaks , nobody does it better than the British . And in the UK , no tea break is complete without a biscuit.
    Every year the average British household eats 103 packets of biscuits , according to the market research filMintel.
    "Biscuits are what we open when friends drop in for a quick cup of tea,or when dinner seems an incredibly long way off .And everybody has his or her favorite, " The Guardian noted.
    In fact , England is divided when it comes to eating biscuits . Soggy biscuits are preferred by 65 percent in the North , according to to the 2015 Waitrose Food and Drink Report . They happily put the , biscuit in their tea and wait for the biscui to go soft before eating it - risking part of the biscuit falling off and ending up in the mag(马克杯).
    But in the South , more than half of those on their tea and coffee breaks just put their biscuits in briefly.
    The whole nation is divided about choices of biscuits , too .
    Custard creams(蛋奶冻夹心饼干)are king in Yorkshire in the north of England ,while chocolate digestives (消化饼干) rule in Lancashire in the Northwest ,Oxford in the Southeast , and Cam- bridge in the East.
    Ginger nuts(姜汁饼干)are a
    longtime favorite in northeast England , traditional Rich Tea finished top in southwest England and Wales , ,malted(麦芽的) milk biscuits are enjoyed by people in central England , and shortbread ( 黄油酥饼)is a common choice in Scotland .

    1970-01-01   5赞       0踩       142浏览 评论(2)
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