• Lucasphere     英式脏话(一)---- bloody

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》





    本节目选自YouTube播客频道Anglophenia的作品How To Swear Like A Brit。


    这次先介绍bloody。据说这个词的起源是17世纪末18世纪初,那时不学无术的贵族子弟叫『blood』,后面就有了说法『as drunk as a blood』,进一步简化成了『bloody drunk』。

    维多利亚时代有人误认为这个词可能跟基督的血有关,觉得是亵渎就把它禁用了。后来衍生出了一系列替代品,比如blimey, blasted, bleeding, blinking, blinding, blooming 和blessed。据说这还是七个小矮人的名字,只不过他们不喜欢叫这个(反正我信了呢)。



    Now there are loads of swear words that us Brits use,

    like blimey, sodding, bloody and fu...goodness's sake,

    I probably shouldn't use the word I was going to though.

    Okay, let's start with 'bloody', as in

    'What a bloody mess we've gotten ourselves into, Jeffrey?' or

    'Stop bloody swearing'.

    There is more than one theory as to how the word 'bloody' came into the English language.

    Some say it came from the rowdy aristocratic youths of 17th and early 18th centuries,

    who were known as 'bloods', and were often very drunk.

    Hence the phrase 'bloody drunk', shortened from 'as drunk as a blood'.

    It is also said that 'bloody' is a direct translation of German word 'blutig'

    and was brought back at the end of 16th century by Englishmen fighting in the low countries,

    and was used in the same way to add emphasis to words.

    'Bloody' had been a fairly normal everyday word up until the 1750s,

    when it started to be considered a swear word and became unprintable

    owing to a mistaken belief that it referenced the blood of Christ and was blasphemous.

    During Victorian times, the word 'bloody' was deemed offensive amongst the higher classes,

    as it was more commonly used by the poor.

    As a result, several other words were use to replace it, including:

    blimey, blasted, bleeding, blinking, blinding, blooming and blessed,

    which incidentally were also the rejected names of the Seven Dwarves.

    It's true.



    Some say it came from the rowdy aristocratic youths of 17th and early 18th century, who were known as blood, and were oftem veru drunk. Hence the phrase 'bloody drunk', shortened from 'as drunk as a blood'.

    后面的bollocks, pissed和sod这两天就会陆续更新哒!

    1970-01-01   84赞       7踩       8693浏览 评论(18)
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