• Evangeline✨     有关月饼的英文表达

    • Nobody's good at anything at first

    • 没有人在一开始就做好每件事

    • from:《You can learn anything》

    Mooncakes are traditionally Chinese pastries generally eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the two most important festivals in Chinese calendar (the other being the Chinese New Year). The festival typically involves family getting together to share mooncakes while watching the moon. Typical Chinese mooncakes are round in shape, and measure around 10 cm (4 inches) in diameter and 4-5 cm (2 inches) in thickness. Most mooncakes consist of a thin tender skin enveloping a sweet, dense filling. Mooncakes are usually eaten in small wedges shared by family members. They are generally served with Chinese tea, and very rarely, mooncakes are served steamed or fried.


    传统的月饼根据来源地的不同可以分为:“广式月饼” Cantonese-style mooncake;“苏式月饼” Suzhou-style mooncake;“京式月饼” Beijing-style mooncake;“滇式月饼” Yunnan-style mooncake;潮式月饼Chaoshan-style (Teochew-style) mooncake;潮式月饼Chaoshan-style (Teochew-style) mooncake;徽式月饼 Anhui-style mooncake;衢式月饼Quzhou-style mooncake;秦式月饼Shanxi-style mooncake;晋式月饼 Shanxi-style mooncake;冰皮月饼 Snow-Skin-mooncake;冰淇淋月饼Ice cream mooncake。
    最常见的月饼口味有Sweet bean paste(豆沙),Jujube paste(枣泥),Lotus seed paste (莲蓉),Hawthron(山楂),Five kernel(五仁)。其实“五仁月饼”中的“五仁”是指花生(peanut),核桃(walnut seed),瓜子(watermelon seed),杏仁(almond),松子(pine nut)。



    1970-01-01   3赞       0踩       285浏览 评论(2)
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