• Evangeline✨     “团购”英语怎么说你造吗?

    • I hope that we see the cherry blossoms together next spring.

    • 明年春天能一起看樱花飘落就好了。

    • from:《5 Centimeters Per Second》

    “团购”英文非常简单,就是group-buying,其名词形式为group buying,即作为一个团队向商家采购,国际通称B2T(Business To Team),是继B2B(Business to Business), B2C(Business to Consumer),C2C(Consumer to Consumer)后的又一种e-commerce(电子商务模式),最核心的优势体现在商品价格更为优惠,也称为group buys。
    In that sense, group buying is just another form of price war. 也就是说团购一场价格战,是一个marketing gimmick,之所以说它是一个gimmick,一个花招、噱头,是因为 it's used by retailers to attract more people to buy products of mediocre quality and popularity. 但无论如何在group buying的活动中,消费者能够享受到大幅优惠,获得超低价的优惠券ultra-discounted tickets,也就难怪有辣么多的小伙伴obsessed with it啦。
    1. 团购:group buying
    2. 花招、噱头:gimmick
    3. 价格战:price war
    4. 零售商: retailer
    5. 消费者:consumer

    1970-01-01   2赞       0踩       156浏览 评论(0)
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