• 翼尖划天际     美剧《纸牌屋》中安德伍德的精彩台词 3

    • Oh and, CNN, thank you so much for the wall-to-wall Ebola coverage.

    • 感谢CNN全面的埃博拉报道。

    • from:《President Obama Anger Translator》


    在美剧《纸牌屋》当中,主角Francis Underwood自始至终有着多位对手,他们有的诡计多端 有的时敌时友 有的心狠手辣 有的风情万种。今天我就向大家再现女记者Zoe Barnes在S01E01里第一次拜访Frank的场景。



    Frank: Who are you?

    Zoe: My name is Zoe Barnes, I'm a reporter at the Washington Herald.

    Frank: It is after 10:30 at night and this is my home. I do not allow any...

    Zoe: We are part of a mutual admiration society.

    Frank: You're a fan of the symphony.

    Zoe: One more for the people watching than the music.

    Frank: It's all right, Steve. Come on in, Miss Barnes.

    注:Zoe用之前其他记者拍摄到的一张在出席Jefferson舞会时 Frank无意中打量自己的照片(下图)和一句精妙的"One more for the people watching than the music.



    Zoe: It's strong.

    Frank: You preferred weak?

    Zoe: No, the stronger the better. There's no harm in looking.

    Frank: It's a cheap ploy.

    Zoe: It's cheap, but effective.

    Frank: Well, you certainly have my undivided attention.

    Zoe: Good. The reason I'm here...

    Frank: Oh, is foreplay over?

    Zoe: I read somewhere that JFK never lasted more than three minutes.

    Frank: The point being?

    Zoe: Time is precious. Powerful people don't have the luxury of foreplay.

    Frank: OK, so why are you here, Ms. Barnes?

    Zoe: I need somebody I can talk to.

    Frank: We're talking. Tell me what we're talking about.

    Zoe: I protect your identity. I print whatever you tell me. And I'll never ask any questions.

    Frank: And what makes you think I don't already have such an arrangement with one of your colleagues.

    Zoe: Because if you did, you wouldn't have let me through the door.

    Frank: I've led a very long, very successful career avoiding this sort of intrigue with the press. I can't see any advantage in starting now.

    Zoe: But is there any disadvantage?

    Frank: Sloppiness, for one.

    Zoe: I promise you absolute discretion.

    Frank: So, we're talking about trust.

    Zoe: Use whatever word you like.

    Frank: Words matter very much, Ms. Barnes. You should care more about them, given your profession.

    Zoe: Then, yes. Your trust.

    Frank: So, which Zoey Barnes am I to trust? The one who wrote about the fireman that married the meter maid? Or the one who authored a very fine article on a new jogging path in Rockcreek Park? Don't be flattered. I read everything.

    Zoe: I'm better than what they have me doing. You know what that feels like.

    Frank: Do I?

    Zoe: You would've made a great Secretary of State.




    Frank: How exactly may I help you, Miss Barnes?

    Zoe: You must know the administration legislative agenda. What's coming up first?

    Frank: I may.

    Zoe: Will you tell me?

    Frank: What would be your guess?

    Zoe: Education.

    Frank: Why?

    Zoe: Immigration is too controversial. A tax reform isn't sexy enough. Everyone can get behind children. Is it education?

    Frank: You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.

    Zoe: A hint.

    Frank: It's late, Miss Barnes.

    Zoe: Can we talk again?

    Frank: I hope you'll understand that I want to sleep on all of this. I never make such big decision so long after sunset and so far from dawn.

    1. You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment. 源于原著的名句,意思明确不赘述。
    2. I never make such big decision so long after sunset and so far from dawn.


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