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    • Just for Fun

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    Henry VIII was well educated from an early age. The poet Skelton was his teacher, and at a later age he met and consulted Erasmo and other Renaissance figures. He knows Latin, French, Italian and some Spanish and Greek, loves poetry and music, and can compose and play. He also enjoyed hunting and excelled in horsemanship, archery, wrestling, and royal tennis.

    The young King, Henry VIII, was a great man of letters. In the early years of his reign, some of his actions were influenced by the new ideas of the Renaissance. He wrote two books as well as poetry and music. Greensleeves, a ballad he wrote shortly after taking the throne, became a popular song.

    Henry VIII personally visited Thomas More, the author of Utopia (who was eventually guillotined for refusing to accept Henry VIII's reformation), and kept him as his confidant minister.
    He also supported the preservation of English judicial power against the interference of the Vatican, stating that "in England, after God, the king is the highest authority."

    Henry VIII single-hanely founded the Royal Navy. He ordered the construction of fast and flexible new warships, with guns in their cabins and dedicated combat sailors, and built several naval shipyards. In 1514 he gave the Trinity Company a licence to trade exclusively in the sea, with the right to levy taxes to finance navigation and to erect lighthouses.

    Henry VIII was also deeply influenced by the old traditions of the feudal aristocracy. He spent much of his time jousting, hunting, and playing with noble knights, rather than dealing with daily affairs. He issued a decree that strictly stipulated the rank distinction of aristocrats in dress and forbade the common people to go beyond their dress. He often showed off his kinglike demeanor at court events to conquer his courtiers and guests.

    In 1517 Henry VIII presented himself at a knighthood tournament in Greenwich, wearing a purple satin robe encrusted with jewels in gold armour and a horse draped in silver and gold. "The wealth and civilization of the world is here," exclaims one foreign envoy. "Some people regard England as a barbarian land. To me, they are barbarians."







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