• 阿源_4     菲律宾武术

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》






    The Philippine wand is one of the instruments in the Philippine martial arts system. It is a weapon evolved from the ancient Filipino sword fighting. There are three schools of attack: Arnis, Eskrmia and Kali. The Philippine wand can be used with one or two sticks.
    A rival to Bruce Lee's nunchucks is the Philippine wand. Powerful and practical, Philippine wands have become popular around the world, becoming one of the preferred techniques for physical fitness and self-defense.

    The Philippine magic wand strike is not limited to the use of wands in daily self-defense, but can also be used with objects readily available in daily life, such as umbrellas, tennis rackets, crutches, ballpoint pens, rolled up news***s or magazines, etc., for self-defense purposes.

    Around the world, wand has been very popular in the Philippines, people not only will it as a physical fitness sport, national police law enforcement officers also willing to use a magic wand and technique of system is more concise and effective way, in order to make the efficiency of p stick fencing against the mob in the process of the use of a more, in order to more effective counter criminals.

    In the history of the Philippines, the Filipinos used the magic wand technique to fight against the weapons used by the invaders at that time -- Western sword from Europe with Spanish sword as the main technology, and Japanese sword from the eastern island nation of Japan with kendo as the main technology, and achieved quite good victory results; Even against the Chinese land spread thousands of years of martial arts, also do not show defeat. Therefore, even today, wands are still widely loved by the people, and they continue to circulate.
    Around the world, Filipino wands have become a staple; Not only the general public regards it as a fitness and defense sport, but also the military and police law enforcement personnel are willing to use its *** and effective fighting methods to improve their police fighting capacity more effectively, so as to effectively counter crimes.

    Filipino martial arts are practiced and refined by local people in constant wa***re. And make it really achieve *** and practical, no tricks of the state. Martial arts in the Philippines began with gunshu, and its technical system was most influenced by Spain. Because during Spanish rule, the colonial government in charge of the local people forbidden the practice of traditional martial arts; Do not carry knives and other weapons in the body.






    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       26浏览 评论(0)


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