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    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    当地时间9月26日,南卡罗来纳州州府哥伦比亚市刑事司法学院举办了2022年度***峰会(2022 SWAT Summit),该学院与联邦调查局合作紧密,在FBI SWAT的指导下对其他机构***进行经验交流和训练。全州范围内多个执法单位的***人员受邀参与会议。

    On September 26 local time, the criminal justice College of Columbia, the capital of South Carolina, held the 2022 SWAT summit. The college cooperated closely with the Federal Bureau of investigation and conducted experience exchange and training for special police of other institutions under the guidance of FBI Swat. Special police officers from several law enforcement units throughout the state were invited to participate in the meeting.


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