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    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《未知》

    “地球现在是我们唯一的股东”,2022年9月15日,美国知名户外服装和装备品牌巴塔哥尼亚(Patagonia)的创始人伊冯·乔伊纳德(Yvon Chouinard)宣布:将放弃巴塔哥尼亚所有权并将其***给信托和非盈利组织,公司的所有利润将用于应对气候危机、保护未开发土地等保护地球的目的。


    在Yvon 身上,最有趣的一点是:他是商人,是世界***户外品牌巴塔哥尼亚创始人,但他却最排斥这一身份。



    "The Earth is now our only shareholder," Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, a leading American outdoor clothing and gear brand, announced on September 15, 2022: Will relinquish ownership of Patagonia and transfer it to trusts and non-profit organizations, and all profits from the company will be used to protect the planet, such as fighting the climate crisis and protecting undeveloped land.

    From today, this world-class outdoor brand with 50 years of history will enter the next chapter.

    One of the most interesting things about Yvon is that he is the businessman and founder of Patagonia, one of the world's top outdoor brands, but he is the one who rejects it the most.

    Over the years, Yvon has said publicly several times, "I've avoided defining myself as a businessman." So when he announced today, "Hey guys, we just handed the company back to Mother Earth." "We were shocked and admired, but not surprised.

    There is rarely a piece of clothing that, when we wear it, carries with it an expression of our values. Patagonia did it. It is also rare for a brand founder to see going public as a catastrophe. In a business world with countless choices and rules of the game, Yvon never cares about the "sixpence" at his feet.






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