• -fj-     untitled

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    I was careful when I talked
    it's like holding a palette full of colors
    or carrying a plie of silverware

    I showed myself with reverence and awe
    as if I were a transparent cup that can be penetrated by sunlight from any angle
    or a dandelion blown that loose in the air

    This looks like a distant dream
    but I aspire to be your daily necessity
    but I found
    your necessities seem to be my luxuries

    I can offer you my moon
    I can take your cognition as my cognition
    I can lead you to the most beautiful place I've ever seen

    actually I don't think I would lose myself loving you
    only you are so precious
    and I'm so afraid of losing you

    1970-01-01   30赞       0踩       627浏览 评论(17)
女 戏骨lv62


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