• YJ.._3_67     Why do you like mathematics? + words 25

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    Why do you choose mathematics as your major?


    First of all, mathematics is my favorite subject since childhood. I think doing math can improve my logical thinking ability. And finishing a math problem gives me a sense of achievement. Secondly, in my sophomore year, I learned a course called mathematical modeling, which made me realize that mathematics is widely applied, not only in daily life, but also in biomedical, chemical, physical, engineering, finance and other fields. Mathematics plays a very important role in the development of society. I believe that the application of mathematics is more extensive than I know, which makes me more determined to further study mathematics and improve my ability to apply mathematical knowledge.


    R.H.S 右
    radial component 沿径分量
    radian 弧度
    radian measure 弧度法
    radical 根式;根号;根数
    radical axis 根轴
    radical centre 根心
    radius, radii 半径
    random 随机
    random experiment 随机试验
    random number 随机数
    random sample 随机样本
    random variable 随机变量
    range 值域;区域;范围;极差;分布域
    rank 秩

    rate 率;利率
    rate of change 变率; 变化率
    rate of convergence 收敛率
    ratio 比 ; 比率
    rational expression 有理式;有理数式
    rational function 有理函数
    rational index 有理数指数
    rational number 有理数
    rationalization 有理化
    raw data 原始数据
    raw score 原始分(数)

    reaction (force) 反作用(力)
    real axis 实轴
    real number 实数
    real part 实部
    real root 实根
    reason 理由
    reciprocal 倒数
    recoil 反冲; 弹回
    rectangle 长方形;矩形
    rectangular block 长方体
    rectangular coordinate plane 直角坐标平面
    rectangular coordinates 直角坐
    rectangular distribution 矩形分布
    rectangular formula 矩形公式
    rectangular hyperbola 等轴只曲线; 正只曲线
    rectangular number 矩形数

    rectifiable 可求长的
    rectilinear figure 直线图形
    rectilinear motion 直线运动
    recurrence formula 递推公式
    recurrent 循环的
    recurring decimal 循环小数
    reduce 简化
    reducibility 可约性; 可化简性
    reducible 可约的;可化简的
    reductio ad absurdum 反证法; 归谬法
    reduction formula 归约公式
    reduction of forces 力的约化

    1970-01-01   6赞       0踩       314浏览 评论(5)
女 资深龙套lv16


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