• 月掌门     【好梦系列】水兵月月睡前朗读01

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    酝酿了几天,Christine我还是决定开始自己的节目啦,之前自我介绍里说到过自己是美战死忠粉,所以这节目抬头就用水兵月月啦~睡前朗读,希望带给大家一份安逸,一份宁静,一份甜美,一份回忆……祝大家好梦系列~Have a goodnight's sleep~





    Choosing the person you want to share your life with is one of the most important decisions any of us makes,ever.Because when it’s wrong,it turns your life to grey.And sometimes,you don’t even notice until you wake up one morning and realize years have gone by.We both know about that one,Alex.Your friendship has brought glorious technicolor to my life.It’s been there even in the darkest of times.And i’m the luckiest person alive for that gift.I hope i didn’t take it for granted.I think maybe i did.Because sometimes you don’t see that the best thing that’s ever happened to you is sitting there,right under your nose.But that’s fine too.It really is.Because i’ve realised that no matter where you are,or what you’re doing or who you’re with,i will always honestly,truly,completely love you.Like a sister loves a brother and a friend loves a friend.I’ll always stand guard over your dreams,Alex.No matter how weird or twisted they get.


    1970-01-01   19赞       0踩       737浏览 评论(7)
女 影后lv58


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