• Viviannnn_     疫情之下 我们可以做什么?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    Always be POSITIVE- This is very important and to Always be positive, kindly try to do as follows.
    - to set the small your Target/happiness .. Target case ..if you can perform ( ANY KIND OK ) .. You should say to your self “ Good job “ after completion. Happiness case .. how about just writing in the paper ..
    - Always try to keep exercise , keep moving physically – even without going out, keep moving can let you be fresh and not bring you so negative spiral thoughts .. pls try.
    - Keep your Dream – The difficulty can be ended within not so far away and thus pls keep your original Dream anytime
    - 设定一个小的可执行的(任何类型都可以)目标/幸福。完成后你应该对自己说“干得 好”。幸福案例,就写在报纸上怎么样。
    - 一直试着保持锻炼,保持身体上的运动——即使不出门,保持运动也能让你保持新 鲜,不会给你带来如此消极思想。请试试看吧。
    - 保持你的梦想-困难将在不远的地方结束,因此任何时候保持你最初的梦想。
    Our life is still actually long, must be long and the present days are just one of the part of our long life ..
    How you can change the difficult days to meaningful days which let you grow up/let you be bright/let you be positive is .. Totally depending on your thoughts and your way to spend days.
    我们的生命其实还很长,一定很长,现在只是我们漫长生命的一部分。 如何把困难的日子转变成有意义的日子,让你成长/让你变得聪明/让你变得积极是——完全 取决于你的想法和你的生活方式。

    Let us meet soon .

    1970-01-01   19赞       2踩       2955浏览 评论(10)
女 魔仙lv73


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