• 饭饭而谈     8.29 每天学一点 brew的用法

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《未知》

    the storm is brewing, that means the storm is building or forming. it might not very big yet, it might just very small storm, it'll be getting stronger and stronger.
    the coffee is brewing. 咖啡正在煮

    verb: i'm brewing the coffee.
    Noun: that's a really strong brew.

    名词还有beer的意思, brewery/ˈbrʊərɪ/ A brewery is a place where beer is made.

    you can also brew tea, but more common with tea, they say steep tea(泡茶),when you steep tea, you let the tea soak in the hot water for a while.
    Let tea steep for 5 minutes.

    We can also use the word “brew” for emotions. Like you could say:
    1.I could see the anger brewing in him before he pounced the guy.
    2.Her excitement had been brewing for 6 months before the wedding.

    1970-01-01   4赞       0踩       18浏览 评论(0)
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