• 魔友6396090     My favorite city

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《未知》

    My favorite city is SanYa, SanYa is famous for its beautiful beaches, and it is one of the most beautiful areas in Hainan island. The weather is warm and you can swim in the sea.
    Every year, many tourists go there to have a sightseeing. SanYa is a place that be favored by the nature. There have most pleasant climate, the fresh air and the warm sunshine, the blue of the sea, the soft sand, the most delicious seafood. When you come to SanYa, you will be attracted by its wide sea, you can enjoy yourself and explore the world in the depth of sea or you can lie on the sand to hear the sound of ocean wave silently. let the sun kiss your skin.
    Sunshine, beaches, beautiful reef, charming and friendly multi-cultural society, as well as warm and comfortable human environment. For the tourists from all over the world are irresistible.

    1970-01-01   8赞       0踩       140浏览 评论(0)


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